Slightly altered from the first edition of 1722.
- How shall I meet my Saviour?
How shall I welcome Thee?
What Manner of Behaviour
Is now requir’d of me?
Let thine Illumination
Set Heart and Hands aright,
That this my Preparation
Be pleasing in thy Sight. - Whilst with the gayest Flowers
Thy Sion strews the Way,
I’ll raise with all my Powers
To Thee, a grateful Lay:
To Thee the King of Glory
I’ll tune a Song Divine;
And make thy Love’s bright Story
In graceful Numbers shine. - What hast thou not performed,
Lord, to retrieve my Loss,
While I was so deformed
By Sin and Hellish Dross?
The Sense of lost Salvation
Quite drove me to Despair,
But thy own Incarnation
Brought my Redemption near. - I lay in Fetters groaning,
Thou cam’st to set me free.
My Shame I was bemoaning;
With Grace thou cloathedst me.
Thou raisest me to Glory;
Endow’st me with thy Bliss,
Which is not transitory,
As worldly Treasure is. - What caus’d thy Incarnation?
What brought Thee down to me?
Thy Love to my Salvation
Contriv’d my Liberty.
O Love, beyond Expression!
Wherewith thou dost embrace
Mankind in its Digression
From Thee, the Source of Grace. - Let this Consideration
Heal up your Wounds within,
Ye Sons of Desolation,
That feel the Smart of Sin.
Take Courage, your Salvation
Stands waiting at the Door;
The Gospel Consolation
Is nearer than before. - ‘Tis none of your Endeavour,
Nor any Mortal Care
Cou’d draw his Sov’reign Favour
To Sinners in Despair;
Uncall’d he comes with Gladness
To save you from the Fall,
And cure all Grief and Sadness
You’re still opprest withal. - Be not cast down nor frighted
At Sin, tho’ ne’er so great;
No! Jesus is delighted
The Greatest to remit.
He comes repenting Sinners
With Life and Love to crown;
And make them happy Winners
Of Glory like his own. - Then fear not ye the Clamour
Of Satan and his Clan;
The Word, his pow’rful Hammer,
Destroys their wicked Plan.
He comes as King of Glory,
Whose Nod confounds their Host;
He carries all before ye,
And baffles all their Boast. - He comes to pass his Sentence
On all his Enemies.
But Children of Repentance
Shall meet with Love and Peace.
Come, Prince of Grace and Wonder!
Fetch thy Beloved Home;
Reveal thy Glories yonder;
Thy longing Spouse says, Come!